Sunday, May 19, 2013

Coffee or Wine with the One-Eyed Woman?

Charles Maurice De Tallyrand-Perigord (1754-1838) shared his recipe for coffee:
"Black as the devil,
Hot as hell,
Pure as an angel,
Sweet as love."

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) revealed his obsession with culinary indulgences:
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
"A dessert without cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye."
"One can become a cook, but one is born a roaster of meat."
"A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine."

Both men were well aware of the passions that simmer within one's taste buds, and how (when they are stimulated by various flavors) the entire creature experiences great and utter pleasure during the dinner hour, and beyond.

It is interesting to note that the coffee connoisseur outlived the gluttonous cheese, meat, wine and dessert lover by more than a decade!

I wonder how the conversation might have gone, if the two of them had met during the dinner hour . . .

"Charles, join me for some merriment! The one-eyed woman is serving wine. The house appears to be out of cheese!"

"All the better! Excess cheese fills out the waistcoat! How about a hot cup of coffee to heat things up, Anthelme?"

"Yes. It may make the dessert more tolerable. After that superb roast, more wine is also called for. Bring on the beautiful girls. Send the half-blind girl to the nearest farm to fetch the cheese!"

"Oh, you really need to watch what you eat. Here, sip your sweet, black coffee and forget the wine, women, and song. You'll live longer if you do."

"YOU may live longer, my good friend! However, I shall live with sunshine and wine, and dessert served with cheese, and plenty of roast beef on the table."

"If only you are able! This coffee is heaven sent." Charles smiled knowingly, and sipped his coffee.

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